1 /*
2  * Copyright 2022 XXIV
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 module rustls;
18 enum rustls_result {
19   OK = 7000,
20   IO = 7001,
21   NULL_PARAMETER = 7002,
23   PANIC = 7004,
27   NOT_FOUND = 7008,
29   UNEXPECTED_EOF = 7010,
30   PLAINTEXT_EMPTY = 7011,
31   CORRUPT_MESSAGE = 7100,
33   DECRYPT_ERROR = 7102,
41   ENCRYPT_ERROR = 7116,
45   CERT_INVALID_DATA = 7120,
51   GENERAL = 7112,
66   ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA = 7214,
86   ALERT_UNKNOWN = 7234,
92 }
94 /**
95  * Definitions of known TLS protocol versions.
96  */
97 enum rustls_tls_version {
98   VERSION_SSLV2 = 512,
99   VERSION_SSLV3 = 768,
100   VERSION_TLSV1_0 = 769,
101   VERSION_TLSV1_1 = 770,
102   VERSION_TLSV1_2 = 771,
103   VERSION_TLSV1_3 = 772,
104 }
106 /**
107  * An X.509 certificate, as used in rustls.
108  * Corresponds to `Certificate` in the Rust API.
109  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.Certificate.html>
110  */
111 struct rustls_certificate;
113 /**
114  * The complete chain of certificates to send during a TLS handshake,
115  * plus a private key that matches the end-entity (leaf) certificate.
116  * Corresponds to `CertifiedKey` in the Rust API.
117  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/sign/struct.CertifiedKey.html>
118  */
119 struct rustls_certified_key;
121 /**
122  * A verifier of client certificates that requires all certificates to be
123  * trusted based on a given `rustls_root_cert_store`. Usable in building server
124  * configurations. Connections without such a client certificate will not
125  * be accepted.
126  */
127 struct rustls_client_cert_verifier;
129 /**
130  * Alternative to `rustls_client_cert_verifier` that allows connections
131  * with or without a client certificate. If the client offers a certificate,
132  * it will be verified (and rejected if it is not valid). If the client
133  * does not offer a certificate, the connection will succeed.
134  *
135  * The application can retrieve the certificate, if any, with
136  * rustls_connection_get_peer_certificate.
137  */
138 struct rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional;
140 /**
141  * A client config that is done being constructed and is now read-only.
142  * Under the hood, this object corresponds to an `Arc<ClientConfig>`.
143  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ClientConfig.html>
144  */
145 struct rustls_client_config;
147 /**
148  * A client config being constructed. A builder can be modified by,
149  * e.g. rustls_client_config_builder_load_roots_from_file. Once you're
150  * done configuring settings, call rustls_client_config_builder_build
151  * to turn it into a *rustls_client_config. This object is not safe
152  * for concurrent mutation. Under the hood, it corresponds to a
153  * `Box<ClientConfig>`.
154  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ConfigBuilder.html>
155  */
156 struct rustls_client_config_builder;
158 struct rustls_connection;
160 /**
161  * An alias for `struct iovec` from uio.h (on Unix) or `WSABUF` on Windows. You should cast
162  * `const struct rustls_iovec *` to `const struct iovec *` on Unix, or `const *LPWSABUF`
163  * on Windows. See [`std::io::IoSlice`] for details on interoperability with platform
164  * specific vectored IO.
165  */
166 struct rustls_iovec;
168 /**
169  * A root certificate store.
170  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.RootCertStore.html>
171  */
172 struct rustls_root_cert_store;
174 /**
175  * A server config that is done being constructed and is now read-only.
176  * Under the hood, this object corresponds to an `Arc<ServerConfig>`.
177  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ServerConfig.html>
178  */
179 struct rustls_server_config;
181 /**
182  * A server config being constructed. A builder can be modified by,
183  * e.g. rustls_server_config_builder_load_native_roots. Once you're
184  * done configuring settings, call rustls_server_config_builder_build
185  * to turn it into a *const rustls_server_config. This object is not safe
186  * for concurrent mutation.
187  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ConfigBuilder.html>
188  */
189 struct rustls_server_config_builder;
191 /**
192  * A read-only view of a slice of Rust byte slices.
193  *
194  * This is used to pass data from rustls-ffi to callback functions provided
195  * by the user of the API. Because Vec and slice are not `#[repr(C)]`, we
196  * provide access via a pointer to an opaque struct and an accessor method
197  * that acts on that struct to get entries of type `rustls_slice_bytes`.
198  * Internally, the pointee is a `&[&[u8]]`.
199  *
200  * The memory exposed is available as specified by the function
201  * using this in its signature. For instance, when this is a parameter to a
202  * callback, the lifetime will usually be the duration of the callback.
203  * Functions that receive one of these must not call its methods beyond the
204  * allowed lifetime.
205  */
206 struct rustls_slice_slice_bytes;
208 /**
209  * A read-only view of a slice of multiple Rust `&str`'s (that is, multiple
210  * strings). Like `rustls_str`, this guarantees that each string contains
211  * UTF-8 and no NUL bytes. Strings are not NUL-terminated.
212  *
213  * This is used to pass data from rustls-ffi to callback functions provided
214  * by the user of the API. Because Vec and slice are not `#[repr(C)]`, we
215  * can't provide a straightforward `data` and `len` structure. Instead, we
216  * provide access via a pointer to an opaque struct and accessor methods.
217  * Internally, the pointee is a `&[&str]`.
218  *
219  * The memory exposed is available as specified by the function
220  * using this in its signature. For instance, when this is a parameter to a
221  * callback, the lifetime will usually be the duration of the callback.
222  * Functions that receive one of these must not call its methods beyond the
223  * allowed lifetime.
224  */
225 struct rustls_slice_str;
227 /**
228  * A cipher suite supported by rustls.
229  */
230 struct rustls_supported_ciphersuite;
232 /**
233  * A read-only view on a Rust `&str`. The contents are guaranteed to be valid
234  * UTF-8. As an additional guarantee on top of Rust's normal UTF-8 guarantee,
235  * a `rustls_str` is guaranteed not to contain internal NUL bytes, so it is
236  * safe to interpolate into a C string or compare using strncmp. Keep in mind
237  * that it is not NUL-terminated.
238  *
239  * The memory exposed is available as specified by the function
240  * using this in its signature. For instance, when this is a parameter to a
241  * callback, the lifetime will usually be the duration of the callback.
242  * Functions that receive one of these must not dereference the data pointer
243  * beyond the allowed lifetime.
244  */
245 struct rustls_str {
246   const char *data;
247   size_t len;
248 }
250 /**
251  * A read-only view on a Rust byte slice.
252  *
253  * This is used to pass data from rustls-ffi to callback functions provided
254  * by the user of the API.
255  * `len` indicates the number of bytes than can be safely read.
256  *
257  * The memory exposed is available as specified by the function
258  * using this in its signature. For instance, when this is a parameter to a
259  * callback, the lifetime will usually be the duration of the callback.
260  * Functions that receive one of these must not dereference the data pointer
261  * beyond the allowed lifetime.
262  */
263 struct rustls_slice_bytes {
264   const ubyte *data;
265   size_t len;
266 }
268 /**
269  * User-provided input to a custom certificate verifier callback. See
270  * rustls_client_config_builder_dangerous_set_certificate_verifier().
271  */
272 alias rustls_verify_server_cert_user_data = void*;
274 /**
275  * Input to a custom certificate verifier callback. See
276  * rustls_client_config_builder_dangerous_set_certificate_verifier().
277  */
278 struct rustls_verify_server_cert_params {
279   rustls_slice_bytes end_entity_cert_der;
280   const rustls_slice_slice_bytes *intermediate_certs_der;
281   rustls_str dns_name;
282   rustls_slice_bytes ocsp_response;
283 }
285 extern(C) alias rustls_verify_server_cert_callback = uint function(rustls_verify_server_cert_user_data userdata, const rustls_verify_server_cert_params *params);
287 alias rustls_log_level = size_t;
289 struct rustls_log_params {
290   rustls_log_level level;
291   rustls_str message;
292 }
294 extern(C) alias rustls_log_callback = void function(void *userdata, const rustls_log_params *params);
296 /**
297  * A return value for a function that may return either success (0) or a
298  * non-zero value representing an error. The values should match socket
299  * error numbers for your operating system - for example, the integers for
300  * ETIMEDOUT, EAGAIN, or similar.
301  */
302 alias rustls_io_result = int;
304 /**
305  * A callback for rustls_connection_read_tls.
306  * An implementation of this callback should attempt to read up to n bytes from the
307  * network, storing them in `buf`. If any bytes were stored, the implementation should
308  * set out_n to the number of bytes stored and return 0. If there was an error,
309  * the implementation should return a nonzero rustls_io_result, which will be
310  * passed through to the caller. On POSIX systems, returning `errno` is convenient.
311  * On other systems, any appropriate error code works.
312  * It's best to make one read attempt to the network per call. Additional reads will
313  * be triggered by subsequent calls to one of the `_read_tls` methods.
314  * `userdata` is set to the value provided to `rustls_connection_set_userdata`. In most
315  * cases that should be a struct that contains, at a minimum, a file descriptor.
316  * The buf and out_n pointers are borrowed and should not be retained across calls.
317  */
318 extern(C) alias rustls_read_callback = rustls_io_result function(void *userdata, ubyte *buf, size_t n, size_t *out_n);
320 /**
321  * A callback for rustls_connection_write_tls.
322  * An implementation of this callback should attempt to write the `n` bytes in buf
323  * to the network. If any bytes were written, the implementation should
324  * set out_n to the number of bytes stored and return 0. If there was an error,
325  * the implementation should return a nonzero rustls_io_result, which will be
326  * passed through to the caller. On POSIX systems, returning `errno` is convenient.
327  * On other systems, any appropriate error code works.
328  * It's best to make one write attempt to the network per call. Additional writes will
329  * be triggered by subsequent calls to rustls_connection_write_tls.
330  * `userdata` is set to the value provided to `rustls_connection_set_userdata`. In most
331  * cases that should be a struct that contains, at a minimum, a file descriptor.
332  * The buf and out_n pointers are borrowed and should not be retained across calls.
333  */
334 extern(C) alias rustls_write_callback = rustls_io_result function(void *userdata, const ubyte *buf, size_t n, size_t *out_n);
336 /**
337  * A callback for rustls_connection_write_tls_vectored.
338  * An implementation of this callback should attempt to write the bytes in
339  * the given `count` iovecs to the network. If any bytes were written,
340  * the implementation should set out_n to the number of bytes written and return 0.
341  * If there was an error, the implementation should return a nonzero rustls_io_result,
342  * which will be passed through to the caller. On POSIX systems, returning `errno` is convenient.
343  * On other systems, any appropriate error code works.
344  * It's best to make one write attempt to the network per call. Additional write will
345  * be triggered by subsequent calls to one of the `_write_tls` methods.
346  * `userdata` is set to the value provided to `rustls_*_session_set_userdata`. In most
347  * cases that should be a struct that contains, at a minimum, a file descriptor.
348  * The buf and out_n pointers are borrowed and should not be retained across calls.
349  */
350 extern(C) alias rustls_write_vectored_callback = rustls_io_result function(void *userdata, const rustls_iovec *iov, size_t count, size_t *out_n);
352 /**
353  * Any context information the callback will receive when invoked.
354  */
355 alias rustls_client_hello_userdata = void*;
357 /**
358  * A read-only view on a Rust slice of 16-bit integers in platform endianness.
359  *
360  * This is used to pass data from rustls-ffi to callback functions provided
361  * by the user of the API.
362  * `len` indicates the number of bytes than can be safely read.
363  *
364  * The memory exposed is available as specified by the function
365  * using this in its signature. For instance, when this is a parameter to a
366  * callback, the lifetime will usually be the duration of the callback.
367  * Functions that receive one of these must not dereference the data pointer
368  * beyond the allowed lifetime.
369  */
370 struct rustls_slice_u16 {
371   const ushort *data;
372   size_t len;
373 }
375 /**
376  * The TLS Client Hello information provided to a ClientHelloCallback function.
377  * `sni_name` is the SNI servername provided by the client. If the client
378  * did not provide an SNI, the length of this `rustls_string` will be 0. The
379  * signature_schemes carries the values supplied by the client or, should
380  * the client not use this TLS extension, the default schemes in the rustls
381  * library. See: <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/internal/msgs/enums/enum.SignatureScheme.html>.
382  * `alpn` carries the list of ALPN protocol names that the client proposed to
383  * the server. Again, the length of this list will be 0 if none were supplied.
384  *
385  * All this data, when passed to a callback function, is only accessible during
386  * the call and may not be modified. Users of this API must copy any values that
387  * they want to access when the callback returned.
388  *
389  * EXPERIMENTAL: this feature of rustls-ffi is likely to change in the future, as
390  * the rustls library is re-evaluating their current approach to client hello handling.
391  */
392 struct rustls_client_hello {
393   rustls_str sni_name;
394   rustls_slice_u16 signature_schemes;
395   const rustls_slice_slice_bytes *alpn;
396 }
398 /**
399  * Prototype of a callback that can be installed by the application at the
400  * `rustls_server_config`. This callback will be invoked by a `rustls_connection`
401  * once the TLS client hello message has been received.
402  * `userdata` will be set based on rustls_connection_set_userdata.
403  * `hello` gives the value of the available client announcements, as interpreted
404  * by rustls. See the definition of `rustls_client_hello` for details.
405  *
406  * NOTE:
407  * - the passed in `hello` and all its values are only available during the
408  *   callback invocations.
409  * - the passed callback function must be safe to call multiple times concurrently
410  *   with the same userdata, unless there is only a single config and connection
411  *   where it is installed.
412  *
413  * EXPERIMENTAL: this feature of rustls-ffi is likely to change in the future, as
414  * the rustls library is re-evaluating their current approach to client hello handling.
415  */
416 extern(C) alias rustls_client_hello_callback = const rustls_certified_key* function(rustls_client_hello_userdata userdata, const rustls_client_hello *hello);
418 /**
419  * Any context information the callback will receive when invoked.
420  */
421 alias rustls_session_store_userdata = void*;
423 /**
424  * Prototype of a callback that can be installed by the application at the
425  * `rustls_server_config` or `rustls_client_config`. This callback will be
426  * invoked by a TLS session when looking up the data for a TLS session id.
427  * `userdata` will be supplied based on rustls_{client,server}_session_set_userdata.
428  *
429  * The `buf` points to `count` consecutive bytes where the
430  * callback is expected to copy the result to. The number of copied bytes
431  * needs to be written to `out_n`. The callback should not read any
432  * data from `buf`.
433  *
434  * If the value to copy is larger than `count`, the callback should never
435  * do a partial copy but instead remove the value from its store and
436  * act as if it was never found.
437  *
438  * The callback should return RUSTLS_RESULT_OK to indicate that a value was
439  * retrieved and written in its entirety into `buf`, or RUSTLS_RESULT_NOT_FOUND
440  * if no session was retrieved.
441  *
442  * When `remove_after` is != 0, the returned data needs to be removed
443  * from the store.
444  *
445  * NOTE: the passed in `key` and `buf` are only available during the
446  * callback invocation.
447  * NOTE: callbacks used in several sessions via a common config
448  * must be implemented thread-safe.
449  */
450 extern(C) alias rustls_session_store_get_callback = uint function(rustls_session_store_userdata userdata, const rustls_slice_bytes *key, int remove_after, ubyte *buf, size_t count, size_t *out_n);
452 /**
453  * Prototype of a callback that can be installed by the application at the
454  * `rustls_server_config` or `rustls_client_config`. This callback will be
455  * invoked by a TLS session when a TLS session has been created and an id
456  * for later use is handed to the client/has been received from the server.
457  * `userdata` will be supplied based on rustls_{client,server}_session_set_userdata.
458  *
459  * The callback should return RUSTLS_RESULT_OK to indicate that a value was
460  * successfully stored, or RUSTLS_RESULT_IO on failure.
461  *
462  * NOTE: the passed in `key` and `val` are only available during the
463  * callback invocation.
464  * NOTE: callbacks used in several sessions via a common config
465  * must be implemented thread-safe.
466  */
467 extern(C) alias rustls_session_store_put_callback = uint function(rustls_session_store_userdata userdata, const rustls_slice_bytes *key, const rustls_slice_bytes *val);
469 extern(C) const rustls_supported_ciphersuite[9] *RUSTLS_ALL_CIPHER_SUITES;
471 extern(C) const size_t RUSTLS_ALL_CIPHER_SUITES_LEN;
473 extern(C) const rustls_supported_ciphersuite[9] *RUSTLS_DEFAULT_CIPHER_SUITES;
475 extern(C) const size_t RUSTLS_DEFAULT_CIPHER_SUITES_LEN;
477 extern(C) const ushort[2] RUSTLS_ALL_VERSIONS;
479 extern(C) const size_t RUSTLS_ALL_VERSIONS_LEN;
481 extern(C) const ushort[2] RUSTLS_DEFAULT_VERSIONS;
483 extern(C) const size_t RUSTLS_DEFAULT_VERSIONS_LEN;
485 /**
486  * Returns a static string containing the rustls-ffi version as well as the
487  * rustls version. The string is alive for the lifetime of the program and does
488  * not need to be freed.
489  */
490 extern(C) rustls_str rustls_version();
492 /**
493  * Get the DER data of the certificate itself.
494  * The data is owned by the certificate and has the same lifetime.
495  */
496 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_certificate_get_der(const rustls_certificate *cert,
497                                          const ubyte **out_der_data,
498                                          size_t *out_der_len);
500 /**
501  * Return a 16-bit unsigned integer corresponding to this cipher suite's assignment from
502  * <https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4>.
503  * The bytes from the assignment are interpreted in network order.
504  */
505 extern(C) ushort rustls_supported_ciphersuite_get_suite(const rustls_supported_ciphersuite *supported_ciphersuite);
507 /**
508  * Returns the name of the ciphersuite as a `rustls_str`. If the provided
509  * ciphersuite is invalid, the rustls_str will contain the empty string. The
510  * lifetime of the `rustls_str` is the lifetime of the program, it does not
511  * need to be freed.
512  */
513 extern(C) rustls_str rustls_supported_ciphersuite_get_name(const rustls_supported_ciphersuite *supported_ciphersuite);
515 /**
516  * Return the length of rustls' list of supported cipher suites.
517  */
518 extern(C) size_t rustls_all_ciphersuites_len();
520 /**
521  * Get a pointer to a member of rustls' list of supported cipher suites. This will return non-NULL
522  * for i < rustls_all_ciphersuites_len().
523  * The returned pointer is valid for the lifetime of the program and may be used directly when
524  * building a ClientConfig or ServerConfig.
525  */
526 extern(C) const(rustls_supported_ciphersuite)* rustls_all_ciphersuites_get_entry(size_t i);
528 /**
529  * Return the length of rustls' list of default cipher suites.
530  */
531 extern(C) size_t rustls_default_ciphersuites_len();
533 /**
534  * Get a pointer to a member of rustls' list of supported cipher suites. This will return non-NULL
535  * for i < rustls_default_ciphersuites_len().
536  * The returned pointer is valid for the lifetime of the program and may be used directly when
537  * building a ClientConfig or ServerConfig.
538  */
539 extern(C) const(rustls_supported_ciphersuite)* rustls_default_ciphersuites_get_entry(size_t i);
541 /**
542  * Build a `rustls_certified_key` from a certificate chain and a private key.
543  * `cert_chain` must point to a buffer of `cert_chain_len` bytes, containing
544  * a series of PEM-encoded certificates, with the end-entity (leaf)
545  * certificate first.
546  *
547  * `private_key` must point to a buffer of `private_key_len` bytes, containing
548  * a PEM-encoded private key in either PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format.
549  *
550  * On success, this writes a pointer to the newly created
551  * `rustls_certified_key` in `certified_key_out`. That pointer must later
552  * be freed with `rustls_certified_key_free` to avoid memory leaks. Note that
553  * internally, this is an atomically reference-counted pointer, so even after
554  * the original caller has called `rustls_certified_key_free`, other objects
555  * may retain a pointer to the object. The memory will be freed when all
556  * references are gone.
557  *
558  * This function does not take ownership of any of its input pointers. It
559  * parses the pointed-to data and makes a copy of the result. You may
560  * free the cert_chain and private_key pointers after calling it.
561  *
562  * Typically, you will build a `rustls_certified_key`, use it to create a
563  * `rustls_server_config` (which increments the reference count), and then
564  * immediately call `rustls_certified_key_free`. That leaves the
565  * `rustls_server_config` in possession of the sole reference, so the
566  * `rustls_certified_key`'s memory will automatically be released when
567  * the `rustls_server_config` is freed.
568  */
569 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_certified_key_build(const ubyte *cert_chain,
570                                          size_t cert_chain_len,
571                                          const ubyte *private_key,
572                                          size_t private_key_len,
573                                          const rustls_certified_key **certified_key_out);
575 /**
576  * Return the i-th rustls_certificate in the rustls_certified_key. 0 gives the
577  * end-entity certificate. 1 and higher give certificates from the chain.
578  * Indexes higher than the last available certificate return NULL.
579  *
580  * The returned certificate is valid until the rustls_certified_key is freed.
581  */
582 extern(C) const(rustls_certificate)* rustls_certified_key_get_certificate(const rustls_certified_key *certified_key,
583                                                                       size_t i);
585 /**
586  * Create a copy of the rustls_certified_key with the given OCSP response data
587  * as DER encoded bytes. The OCSP response may be given as NULL to clear any
588  * possibly present OCSP data from the cloned key.
589  * The cloned key is independent from its original and needs to be freed
590  * by the application.
591  */
592 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_certified_key_clone_with_ocsp(const rustls_certified_key *certified_key,
593                                                    const rustls_slice_bytes *ocsp_response,
594                                                    const rustls_certified_key **cloned_key_out);
596 /**
597  * "Free" a certified_key previously returned from
598  * rustls_certified_key_build. Since certified_key is actually an
599  * atomically reference-counted pointer, extant certified_key may still
600  * hold an internal reference to the Rust object. However, C code must
601  * consider this pointer unusable after "free"ing it.
602  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
603  */
604 extern(C) void rustls_certified_key_free(const rustls_certified_key *key);
606 /**
607  * Create a rustls_root_cert_store. Caller owns the memory and must
608  * eventually call rustls_root_cert_store_free. The store starts out empty.
609  * Caller must add root certificates with rustls_root_cert_store_add_pem.
610  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.RootCertStore.html#method.empty>
611  */
612 extern(C) rustls_root_cert_store *rustls_root_cert_store_new();
614 /**
615  * Add one or more certificates to the root cert store using PEM encoded data.
616  *
617  * When `strict` is true an error will return a `CertificateParseError`
618  * result. So will an attempt to parse data that has zero certificates.
619  *
620  * When `strict` is false, unparseable root certificates will be ignored.
621  * This may be useful on systems that have syntactically invalid root
622  * certificates.
623  */
624 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_root_cert_store_add_pem(rustls_root_cert_store *store,
625                                              const ubyte *pem,
626                                              size_t pem_len,
627                                              bool strict);
629 /**
630  * Free a rustls_root_cert_store previously returned from rustls_root_cert_store_builder_build.
631  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
632  */
633 extern(C) void rustls_root_cert_store_free(rustls_root_cert_store *store);
635 /**
636  * Create a new client certificate verifier for the root store. The verifier
637  * can be used in several rustls_server_config instances. Must be freed by
638  * the application when no longer needed. See the documentation of
639  * rustls_client_cert_verifier_free for details about lifetime.
640  * This copies the contents of the rustls_root_cert_store. It does not take
641  * ownership of the pointed-to memory.
642  */
643 extern(C) const(rustls_client_cert_verifier)* rustls_client_cert_verifier_new(const rustls_root_cert_store *store);
645 /**
646  * "Free" a verifier previously returned from
647  * rustls_client_cert_verifier_new. Since rustls_client_cert_verifier is actually an
648  * atomically reference-counted pointer, extant server_configs may still
649  * hold an internal reference to the Rust object. However, C code must
650  * consider this pointer unusable after "free"ing it.
651  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
652  */
653 extern(C) void rustls_client_cert_verifier_free(const rustls_client_cert_verifier *verifier);
655 /**
656  * Create a new rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional for the root store. The
657  * verifier can be used in several rustls_server_config instances. Must be
658  * freed by the application when no longer needed. See the documentation of
659  * rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional_free for details about lifetime.
660  * This copies the contents of the rustls_root_cert_store. It does not take
661  * ownership of the pointed-to data.
662  */
663 extern(C) const(rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional)* rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional_new(const rustls_root_cert_store *store);
665 /**
666  * "Free" a verifier previously returned from
667  * rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional_new. Since rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional
668  * is actually an atomically reference-counted pointer, extant server_configs may still
669  * hold an internal reference to the Rust object. However, C code must
670  * consider this pointer unusable after "free"ing it.
671  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
672  */
673 extern(C) void rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional_free(const rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional *verifier);
675 /**
676  * Create a rustls_client_config_builder. Caller owns the memory and must
677  * eventually call rustls_client_config_builder_build, then free the
678  * resulting rustls_client_config.
679  * This uses rustls safe default values
680  * for the cipher suites, key exchange groups and protocol versions.
681  * This starts out with no trusted roots.
682  * Caller must add roots with rustls_client_config_builder_load_roots_from_file
683  * or provide a custom verifier.
684  */
685 extern(C) rustls_client_config_builder *rustls_client_config_builder_new();
687 /**
688  * Create a rustls_client_config_builder. Caller owns the memory and must
689  * eventually call rustls_client_config_builder_build, then free the
690  * resulting rustls_client_config. Specify cipher suites in preference
691  * order; the `cipher_suites` parameter must point to an array containing
692  * `len` pointers to `rustls_supported_ciphersuite` previously obtained
693  * from `rustls_all_ciphersuites_get_entry()`, or to a provided array,
695  * protocol versions to use when negotiating a TLS session.
696  *
697  * `tls_version` is the version of the protocol, as defined in rfc8446,
698  * ch. 4.2.1 and end of ch. 5.1. Some values are defined in
699  * `rustls_tls_version` for convenience, and the arrays
701  *
702  * `versions` will only be used during the call and the application retains
703  * ownership. `len` is the number of consecutive `uint16_t` pointed to by `versions`.
704  */
705 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_new_custom(const rustls_supported_ciphersuite ** cipher_suites,
706                                                       size_t cipher_suites_len,
707                                                       const ushort *tls_versions,
708                                                       size_t tls_versions_len,
709                                                       rustls_client_config_builder **builder_out);
711 /**
712  * Set a custom server certificate verifier.
713  *
714  * The callback must not capture any of the pointers in its
715  * rustls_verify_server_cert_params.
716  * If `userdata` has been set with rustls_connection_set_userdata, it
717  * will be passed to the callback. Otherwise the userdata param passed to
718  * the callback will be NULL.
719  *
720  * The callback must be safe to call on any thread at any time, including
721  * multiple concurrent calls. So, for instance, if the callback mutates
722  * userdata (or other shared state), it must use synchronization primitives
723  * to make such mutation safe.
724  *
725  * The callback receives certificate chain information as raw bytes.
726  * Currently this library offers no functions for C code to parse the
727  * certificates, so you'll need to bring your own certificate parsing library
728  * if you need to parse them.
729  *
730  * If you intend to write a verifier that accepts all certificates, be aware
731  * that special measures are required for IP addresses. Rustls currently
732  * (0.20.0) doesn't support building a ClientConnection with an IP address
733  * (because it's not a valid DnsNameRef). One workaround is to detect IP
734  * addresses and rewrite them to `example.invalid`, and _also_ to disable
735  * SNI via rustls_client_config_builder_set_enable_sni (IP addresses don't
736  * need SNI).
737  *
738  * If the custom verifier accepts the certificate, it should return
739  * RUSTLS_RESULT_OK. Otherwise, it may return any other rustls_result error.
740  * Feel free to use an appropriate error from the RUSTLS_RESULT_CERT_*
741  * section.
742  *
743  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/client/struct.DangerousClientConfig.html#method.set_certificate_verifier>
744  */
745 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_dangerous_set_certificate_verifier(rustls_client_config_builder *config_builder,
746                                                                               rustls_verify_server_cert_callback callback);
748 /**
749  * Use the trusted root certificates from the provided store.
750  *
751  * This replaces any trusted roots already configured with copies
752  * from `roots`. This adds 1 to the refcount for `roots`. When you
753  * call rustls_client_config_free or rustls_client_config_builder_free,
754  * those will subtract 1 from the refcount for `roots`.
755  */
756 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_use_roots(rustls_client_config_builder *config_builder,
757                                                      const rustls_root_cert_store *roots);
759 /**
760  * Add trusted root certificates from the named file, which should contain
761  * PEM-formatted certificates.
762  */
763 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_load_roots_from_file(rustls_client_config_builder *config_builder,
764                                                                 const char *filename);
766 /**
767  * Set the ALPN protocol list to the given protocols. `protocols` must point
768  * to a buffer of `rustls_slice_bytes` (built by the caller) with `len`
769  * elements. Each element of the buffer must be a rustls_slice_bytes whose
770  * data field points to a single ALPN protocol ID. Standard ALPN protocol
771  * IDs are defined at
772  * <https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids>.
773  *
774  * This function makes a copy of the data in `protocols` and does not retain
775  * any pointers, so the caller can free the pointed-to memory after calling.
776  *
777  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/client/struct.ClientConfig.html#structfield.alpn_protocols>
778  */
779 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_set_alpn_protocols(rustls_client_config_builder *builder,
780                                                               const rustls_slice_bytes *protocols,
781                                                               size_t len);
783 /**
784  * Enable or disable SNI.
785  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ClientConfig.html#structfield.enable_sni>
786  */
787 extern(C) void rustls_client_config_builder_set_enable_sni(rustls_client_config_builder *config,
788                                                  bool enable);
790 /**
791  * Provide the configuration a list of certificates where the connection
792  * will select the first one that is compatible with the server's signature
793  * verification capabilities. Clients that want to support both ECDSA and
794  * RSA certificates will want the ECSDA to go first in the list.
795  *
796  * The built configuration will keep a reference to all certified keys
797  * provided. The client may `rustls_certified_key_free()` afterwards
798  * without the configuration losing them. The same certified key may also
799  * be used in multiple configs.
800  *
801  * EXPERIMENTAL: installing a client authentication callback will replace any
802  * configured certified keys and vice versa.
803  */
804 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_config_builder_set_certified_key(rustls_client_config_builder *builder,
805                                                              const rustls_certified_key **certified_keys,
806                                                              size_t certified_keys_len);
808 /**
809  * Turn a *rustls_client_config_builder (mutable) into a const *rustls_client_config
810  * (read-only).
811  */
812 extern(C) const(rustls_client_config)* rustls_client_config_builder_build(rustls_client_config_builder *builder);
814 /**
815  * "Free" a client_config_builder without building it into a rustls_client_config.
816  * Normally builders are built into rustls_client_config via `rustls_client_config_builder_build`
817  * and may not be free'd or otherwise used afterwards.
818  * Use free only when the building of a config has to be aborted before a config
819  * was created.
820  */
821 extern(C) void rustls_client_config_builder_free(rustls_client_config_builder *config);
823 /**
824  * "Free" a rustls_client_config previously returned from
825  * rustls_client_config_builder_build. Since rustls_client_config is actually an
826  * atomically reference-counted pointer, extant client connections may still
827  * hold an internal reference to the Rust object. However, C code must
828  * consider this pointer unusable after "free"ing it.
829  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
830  */
831 extern(C) void rustls_client_config_free(const rustls_client_config *config);
833 /**
834  * Create a new rustls_connection containing a client connection and return
835  * it in the output parameter `out`. If this returns an error code, the
836  * memory pointed to by `conn_out` remains unchanged. If this returns a
837  * non-error, the memory pointed to by `conn_out` is modified to point at a
838  * valid rustls_connection. The caller now owns the rustls_connection and must
839  * call `rustls_connection_free` when done with it.
840  */
841 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_connection_new(const rustls_client_config *config,
842                                            const char *hostname,
843                                            rustls_connection **conn_out);
845 /**
846  * Set the userdata pointer associated with this connection. This will be passed
847  * to any callbacks invoked by the connection, if you've set up callbacks in the config.
848  * The pointed-to data must outlive the connection.
849  */
850 extern(C) void rustls_connection_set_userdata(rustls_connection *conn, void *userdata);
852 /**
853  * Set the logging callback for this connection. The log callback will be invoked
854  * with the userdata parameter previously set by rustls_connection_set_userdata, or
855  * NULL if no userdata was set.
856  */
857 extern(C) void rustls_connection_set_log_callback(rustls_connection *conn, rustls_log_callback cb);
859 /**
860  * Read some TLS bytes from the network into internal buffers. The actual network
861  * I/O is performed by `callback`, which you provide. Rustls will invoke your
862  * callback with a suitable buffer to store the read bytes into. You don't have
863  * to fill it up, just fill with as many bytes as you get in one syscall.
864  * The `userdata` parameter is passed through directly to `callback`. Note that
865  * this is distinct from the `userdata` parameter set with
866  * `rustls_connection_set_userdata`.
867  * Returns 0 for success, or an errno value on error. Passes through return values
868  * from callback. See rustls_read_callback for more details.
869  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.read_tls>
870  */
871 extern(C) rustls_io_result rustls_connection_read_tls(rustls_connection *conn,
872                                             rustls_read_callback callback,
873                                             void *userdata,
874                                             size_t *out_n);
876 /**
877  * Write some TLS bytes to the network. The actual network I/O is performed by
878  * `callback`, which you provide. Rustls will invoke your callback with a
879  * suitable buffer containing TLS bytes to send. You don't have to write them
880  * all, just as many as you can in one syscall.
881  * The `userdata` parameter is passed through directly to `callback`. Note that
882  * this is distinct from the `userdata` parameter set with
883  * `rustls_connection_set_userdata`.
884  * Returns 0 for success, or an errno value on error. Passes through return values
885  * from callback. See rustls_write_callback for more details.
886  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.write_tls>
887  */
888 extern(C) rustls_io_result rustls_connection_write_tls(rustls_connection *conn,
889                                              rustls_write_callback callback,
890                                              void *userdata,
891                                              size_t *out_n);
893 /**
894  * Write all available TLS bytes to the network. The actual network I/O is performed by
895  * `callback`, which you provide. Rustls will invoke your callback with an array
896  * of rustls_slice_bytes, each containing a buffer with TLS bytes to send.
897  * You don't have to write them all, just as many as you are willing.
898  * The `userdata` parameter is passed through directly to `callback`. Note that
899  * this is distinct from the `userdata` parameter set with
900  * `rustls_connection_set_userdata`.
901  * Returns 0 for success, or an errno value on error. Passes through return values
902  * from callback. See rustls_write_callback for more details.
903  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.Writer.html#method.write_vectored>
904  */
905 extern(C) rustls_io_result rustls_connection_write_tls_vectored(rustls_connection *conn,
906                                                       rustls_write_vectored_callback callback,
907                                                       void *userdata,
908                                                       size_t *out_n);
910 /**
911  * Decrypt any available ciphertext from the internal buffer and put it
912  * into the internal plaintext buffer, potentially making bytes available
913  * for rustls_connection_read().
914  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.process_new_packets>
915  */
916 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_connection_process_new_packets(rustls_connection *conn);
918 /**
919  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.CommonState.html#method.wants_read>
920  */
921 extern(C) bool rustls_connection_wants_read(const rustls_connection *conn);
923 /**
924  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.CommonState.html#method.wants_write>
925  */
926 extern(C) bool rustls_connection_wants_write(const rustls_connection *conn);
928 /**
929  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.CommonState.html#method.is_handshaking>
930  */
931 extern(C) bool rustls_connection_is_handshaking(const rustls_connection *conn);
933 /**
934  * Sets a limit on the internal buffers used to buffer unsent plaintext (prior
935  * to completing the TLS handshake) and unsent TLS records. By default, there
936  * is no limit. The limit can be set at any time, even if the current buffer
937  * use is higher.
938  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.set_buffer_limit>
939  */
940 extern(C) void rustls_connection_set_buffer_limit(rustls_connection *conn, size_t n);
942 /**
943  * Queues a close_notify fatal alert to be sent in the next write_tls call.
944  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.send_close_notify>
945  */
946 extern(C) void rustls_connection_send_close_notify(rustls_connection *conn);
948 /**
949  * Return the i-th certificate provided by the peer.
950  * Index 0 is the end entity certificate. Higher indexes are certificates
951  * in the chain. Requesting an index higher than what is available returns
952  * NULL.
953  * The returned pointer is valid until the next mutating function call
954  * affecting the connection. A mutating function call is one where the
955  * first argument has type `struct rustls_connection *` (as opposed to
956  *  `const struct rustls_connection *`).
957  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.peer_certificates>
958  */
959 extern(C) const(rustls_certificate)* rustls_connection_get_peer_certificate(const rustls_connection *conn,
960                                                                         size_t i);
962 /**
963  * Get the ALPN protocol that was negotiated, if any. Stores a pointer to a
964  * borrowed buffer of bytes, and that buffer's len, in the output parameters.
965  * The borrow lives as long as the connection.
966  * If the connection is still handshaking, or no ALPN protocol was negotiated,
967  * stores NULL and 0 in the output parameters.
968  * The provided pointer is valid until the next mutating function call
969  * affecting the connection. A mutating function call is one where the
970  * first argument has type `struct rustls_connection *` (as opposed to
971  *  `const struct rustls_connection *`).
972  * <https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/>
973  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.alpn_protocol>
974  */
975 extern(C) void rustls_connection_get_alpn_protocol(const rustls_connection *conn,
976                                          const ubyte **protocol_out,
977                                          size_t *protocol_out_len);
979 /**
980  * Return the TLS protocol version that has been negotiated. Before this
981  * has been decided during the handshake, this will return 0. Otherwise,
982  * the u16 version number as defined in the relevant RFC is returned.
983  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.protocol_version>
984  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/internal/msgs/enums/enum.ProtocolVersion.html>
985  */
986 extern(C) ushort rustls_connection_get_protocol_version(const rustls_connection *conn);
988 /**
989  * Retrieves the cipher suite agreed with the peer.
990  * This returns NULL until the ciphersuite is agreed.
991  * The returned pointer lives as long as the program.
992  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/enum.Connection.html#method.negotiated_cipher_suite>
993  */
994 extern(C) const(rustls_supported_ciphersuite)* rustls_connection_get_negotiated_ciphersuite(const rustls_connection *conn);
996 /**
997  * Write up to `count` plaintext bytes from `buf` into the `rustls_connection`.
998  * This will increase the number of output bytes available to
999  * `rustls_connection_write_tls`.
1000  * On success, store the number of bytes actually written in *out_n
1001  * (this may be less than `count`).
1002  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.Writer.html#method.write>
1003  */
1004 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_connection_write(rustls_connection *conn,
1005                                       const ubyte *buf,
1006                                       size_t count,
1007                                       size_t *out_n);
1009 /**
1010  * Read up to `count` plaintext bytes from the `rustls_connection` into `buf`.
1011  * On success, store the number of bytes read in *out_n (this may be less
1012  * than `count`). A success with *out_n set to 0 means "all bytes currently
1013  * available have been read, but more bytes may become available after
1014  * subsequent calls to rustls_connection_read_tls and
1015  * rustls_connection_process_new_packets."
1016  *
1017  * Subtle note: Even though this function only writes to `buf` and does not
1018  * read from it, the memory in `buf` must be initialized before the call (for
1019  * Rust-internal reasons). Initializing a buffer once and then using it
1020  * multiple times without zeroizing before each call is fine.
1021  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.Reader.html#method.read>
1022  */
1023 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_connection_read(rustls_connection *conn,
1024                                      ubyte *buf,
1025                                      size_t count,
1026                                      size_t *out_n);
1028 version(DEFINE_READ_BUF)
1029 {
1030 /**
1031  * Read up to `count` plaintext bytes from the `rustls_connection` into `buf`.
1032  * On success, store the number of bytes read in *out_n (this may be less
1033  * than `count`). A success with *out_n set to 0 means "all bytes currently
1034  * available have been read, but more bytes may become available after
1035  * subsequent calls to rustls_connection_read_tls and
1036  * rustls_connection_process_new_packets."
1037  *
1038  * This experimental API is only available when using a nightly Rust compiler
1039  * and enabling the `read_buf` Cargo feature. It will be deprecated and later
1040  * removed in future versions.
1041  *
1042  * Unlike with `rustls_connection_read`, this function may be called with `buf`
1043  * pointing to an uninitialized memory buffer.
1044  */
1045 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_connection_read_2(rustls_connection *conn,
1046                                        ubyte *buf,
1047                                        size_t count,
1048                                        size_t *out_n);
1049 }
1051 /**
1052  * Free a rustls_connection. Calling with NULL is fine.
1053  * Must not be called twice with the same value.
1054  */
1055 extern(C) void rustls_connection_free(rustls_connection *conn);
1057 /**
1058  * After a rustls function returns an error, you may call
1059  * this to get a pointer to a buffer containing a detailed error
1060  * message. The contents of the error buffer will be out_n bytes long,
1061  * UTF-8 encoded, and not NUL-terminated.
1062  */
1063 extern(C) void rustls_error(uint result, char *buf, size_t len, size_t *out_n);
1065 extern(C) bool rustls_result_is_cert_error(uint result);
1067 /**
1068  * Return a rustls_str containing the stringified version of a log level.
1069  */
1070 extern(C) rustls_str rustls_log_level_str(rustls_log_level level);
1072 /**
1073  * Return the length of the outer slice. If the input pointer is NULL,
1074  * returns 0.
1075  */
1076 extern(C) size_t rustls_slice_slice_bytes_len(const rustls_slice_slice_bytes *input);
1078 /**
1079  * Retrieve the nth element from the input slice of slices. If the input
1080  * pointer is NULL, or n is greater than the length of the
1081  * rustls_slice_slice_bytes, returns rustls_slice_bytes{NULL, 0}.
1082  */
1083 extern(C) rustls_slice_bytes rustls_slice_slice_bytes_get(const rustls_slice_slice_bytes *input,
1084                                                        size_t n);
1086 /**
1087  * Return the length of the outer slice. If the input pointer is NULL,
1088  * returns 0.
1089  */
1090 extern(C) size_t rustls_slice_str_len(const rustls_slice_str *input);
1092 /**
1093  * Retrieve the nth element from the input slice of `&str`s. If the input
1094  * pointer is NULL, or n is greater than the length of the
1095  * rustls_slice_str, returns rustls_str{NULL, 0}.
1096  */
1097 extern(C) rustls_str rustls_slice_str_get(const rustls_slice_str *input, size_t n);
1099 /**
1100  * Create a rustls_server_config_builder. Caller owns the memory and must
1101  * eventually call rustls_server_config_builder_build, then free the
1102  * resulting rustls_server_config. This uses rustls safe default values
1103  * for the cipher suites, key exchange groups and protocol versions.
1104  */
1105 extern(C) rustls_server_config_builder *rustls_server_config_builder_new();
1107 /**
1108  * Create a rustls_server_config_builder. Caller owns the memory and must
1109  * eventually call rustls_server_config_builder_build, then free the
1110  * resulting rustls_server_config. Specify cipher suites in preference
1111  * order; the `cipher_suites` parameter must point to an array containing
1112  * `len` pointers to `rustls_supported_ciphersuite` previously obtained
1113  * from `rustls_all_ciphersuites_get_entry()`. Set the TLS protocol
1114  * versions to use when negotiating a TLS session.
1115  *
1116  * `tls_version` is the version of the protocol, as defined in rfc8446,
1117  * ch. 4.2.1 and end of ch. 5.1. Some values are defined in
1118  * `rustls_tls_version` for convenience.
1119  *
1120  * `versions` will only be used during the call and the application retains
1121  * ownership. `len` is the number of consecutive `uint16_t` pointed to by `versions`.
1122  */
1123 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_new_custom(const rustls_supported_ciphersuite **cipher_suites,
1124                                                       size_t cipher_suites_len,
1125                                                       const ushort *tls_versions,
1126                                                       size_t tls_versions_len,
1127                                                       rustls_server_config_builder **builder_out);
1129 /**
1130  * Create a rustls_server_config_builder for TLS sessions that require
1131  * valid client certificates. The passed rustls_client_cert_verifier may
1132  * be used in several builders.
1133  * For memory lifetime, see rustls_server_config_builder_new.
1134  */
1135 extern(C) void rustls_server_config_builder_set_client_verifier(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1136                                                       const rustls_client_cert_verifier *verifier);
1138 /**
1139  * Create a rustls_server_config_builder for TLS sessions that accept
1140  * valid client certificates, but do not require them. The passed
1141  * rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional may be used in several builders.
1142  * For memory lifetime, see rustls_server_config_builder_new.
1143  */
1144 extern(C) void rustls_server_config_builder_set_client_verifier_optional(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1145                                                                const rustls_client_cert_verifier_optional *verifier);
1147 /**
1148  * "Free" a server_config_builder without building it into a rustls_server_config.
1149  * Normally builders are built into rustls_server_configs via `rustls_server_config_builder_build`
1150  * and may not be free'd or otherwise used afterwards.
1151  * Use free only when the building of a config has to be aborted before a config
1152  * was created.
1153  */
1154 extern(C) void rustls_server_config_builder_free(rustls_server_config_builder *config);
1156 /**
1157  * With `ignore` != 0, the server will ignore the client ordering of cipher
1158  * suites, aka preference, during handshake and respect its own ordering
1159  * as configured.
1160  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/struct.ServerConfig.html#structfield.ignore_client_order>
1161  */
1162 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_set_ignore_client_order(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1163                                                                    bool ignore);
1165 /**
1166  * Set the ALPN protocol list to the given protocols. `protocols` must point
1167  * to a buffer of `rustls_slice_bytes` (built by the caller) with `len`
1168  * elements. Each element of the buffer must point to a slice of bytes that
1169  * contains a single ALPN protocol from
1170  * <https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-extensiontype-values/tls-extensiontype-values.xhtml#alpn-protocol-ids>.
1171  *
1172  * This function makes a copy of the data in `protocols` and does not retain
1173  * any pointers, so the caller can free the pointed-to memory after calling.
1174  *
1175  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/server/struct.ServerConfig.html#structfield.alpn_protocols>
1176  */
1177 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_set_alpn_protocols(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1178                                                               const rustls_slice_bytes *protocols,
1179                                                               size_t len);
1181 /**
1182  * Provide the configuration a list of certificates where the connection
1183  * will select the first one that is compatible with the client's signature
1184  * verification capabilities. Servers that want to support both ECDSA and
1185  * RSA certificates will want the ECSDA to go first in the list.
1186  *
1187  * The built configuration will keep a reference to all certified keys
1188  * provided. The client may `rustls_certified_key_free()` afterwards
1189  * without the configuration losing them. The same certified key may also
1190  * be used in multiple configs.
1191  *
1192  * EXPERIMENTAL: installing a client_hello callback will replace any
1193  * configured certified keys and vice versa.
1194  */
1195 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_set_certified_keys(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1196                                                               const rustls_certified_key **certified_keys,
1197                                                               size_t certified_keys_len);
1199 /**
1200  * Turn a *rustls_server_config_builder (mutable) into a const *rustls_server_config
1201  * (read-only).
1202  */
1203 extern(C) const(rustls_server_config)* rustls_server_config_builder_build(rustls_server_config_builder *builder);
1205 /**
1206  * "Free" a rustls_server_config previously returned from
1207  * rustls_server_config_builder_build. Since rustls_server_config is actually an
1208  * atomically reference-counted pointer, extant server connections may still
1209  * hold an internal reference to the Rust object. However, C code must
1210  * consider this pointer unusable after "free"ing it.
1211  * Calling with NULL is fine. Must not be called twice with the same value.
1212  */
1213 extern(C) void rustls_server_config_free(const rustls_server_config *config);
1215 /**
1216  * Create a new rustls_connection containing a server connection, and return it
1217  * in the output parameter `out`. If this returns an error code, the memory
1218  * pointed to by `conn_out` remains unchanged. If this returns a non-error,
1219  * the memory pointed to by `conn_out` is modified to point
1220  * at a valid rustls_connection. The caller now owns the rustls_connection
1221  * and must call `rustls_connection_free` when done with it.
1222  */
1223 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_connection_new(const rustls_server_config *config,
1224                                            rustls_connection **conn_out);
1226 /**
1227  * Copy the SNI hostname to `buf` which can hold up  to `count` bytes,
1228  * and the length of that hostname in `out_n`. The string is stored in UTF-8
1229  * with no terminating NUL byte.
1230  * Returns RUSTLS_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE if the SNI hostname is longer than `count`.
1231  * Returns Ok with *out_n == 0 if there is no SNI hostname available on this connection
1232  * because it hasn't been processed yet, or because the client did not send SNI.
1233  * <https://docs.rs/rustls/0.20.0/rustls/server/struct.ServerConnection.html#method.sni_hostname>
1234  */
1235 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_connection_get_sni_hostname(const rustls_connection *conn,
1236                                                         ubyte *buf,
1237                                                         size_t count,
1238                                                         size_t *out_n);
1240 /**
1241  * Register a callback to be invoked when a connection created from this config
1242  * sees a TLS ClientHello message. If `userdata` has been set with
1243  * rustls_connection_set_userdata, it will be passed to the callback.
1244  * Otherwise the userdata param passed to the callback will be NULL.
1245  *
1246  * Any existing `ResolvesServerCert` implementation currently installed in the
1247  * `rustls_server_config` will be replaced. This also means registering twice
1248  * will overwrite the first registration. It is not permitted to pass a NULL
1249  * value for `callback`.
1250  *
1251  * EXPERIMENTAL: this feature of rustls-ffi is likely to change in the future, as
1252  * the rustls library is re-evaluating their current approach to client hello handling.
1253  * Installing a client_hello callback will replace any configured certified keys
1254  * and vice versa. Same holds true for the set_certified_keys variant.
1255  */
1256 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_set_hello_callback(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1257                                                               rustls_client_hello_callback callback);
1259 /**
1260  * Select a `rustls_certified_key` from the list that matches the cryptographic
1261  * parameters of a TLS client hello. Note that this does not do any SNI matching.
1262  * The input certificates should already have been filtered to ones matching the
1263  * SNI from the client hello.
1264  *
1265  * This is intended for servers that are configured with several keys for the
1266  * same domain name(s), for example ECDSA and RSA types. The presented keys are
1267  * inspected in the order given and keys first in the list are given preference,
1268  * all else being equal. However rustls is free to choose whichever it considers
1269  * to be the best key with its knowledge about security issues and possible future
1270  * extensions of the protocol.
1271  *
1272  * Return RUSTLS_RESULT_OK if a key was selected and RUSTLS_RESULT_NOT_FOUND
1273  * if none was suitable.
1274  */
1275 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_client_hello_select_certified_key(const rustls_client_hello *hello,
1276                                                        const rustls_certified_key **certified_keys,
1277                                                        size_t certified_keys_len,
1278                                                        const rustls_certified_key **out_key);
1280 /**
1281  * Register callbacks for persistence of TLS session IDs and secrets. Both
1282  * keys and values are highly sensitive data, containing enough information
1283  * to break the security of the connections involved.
1284  *
1285  * If `userdata` has been set with rustls_connection_set_userdata, it
1286  * will be passed to the callbacks. Otherwise the userdata param passed to
1287  * the callbacks will be NULL.
1288  */
1289 extern(C) rustls_result rustls_server_config_builder_set_persistence(rustls_server_config_builder *builder,
1290                                                            rustls_session_store_get_callback get_cb,
1291                                                            rustls_session_store_put_callback put_cb);